Fortunately, there are ways through which you can save on car insurance policy premiums for your teenage driver. It is just an accepted fact that car insurance for teenagers simply cost more, but if you know what to do and what factors to consider, you can save as much as possible. So what factors are important?
Automobile Type
The type of car your teenager uses will affect the price of your teenage car insurance policy. Since a teenage driver has higher risks of getting into an accident, you have to find a car that balances the risks out even slightly. This means you have to get your teenager a relatively safe and a practical car.
Getting him a fast and flashy sports car, which most teenagers usually want to drive, means an affordable car insurance policy will be impossible.
To keep the costs down, look for a safe, practical car with lower horsepower rating. You should also go for cars with lower theft rates. Get him a car that’s sturdy though a bit bulkier and heavier. This will not only bring the costs down, but also help save your teenager’s life since such cars are harder to maneuver and drive fast. Thus, your teenage driver will be forced to slow down and drive carefully.
Driving Record
A teenager’s driving record is one of the most important factors that insurance companies consider when it comes to car insurance for teenagers. Make sure your teenage knows the importance of keeping a good driving record. Even minor car accidents and speeding tickets can hike up the price of your car insurance policy for teens.
A good driving record coupled by good performance in a driver’s education course can help you get better rates. Some states require attendance in driver’s education classes, while some do not. However, the value of such programs for car insurance companies is the same.
So whether your state requires it or not, look for a driver’s education program for your teenage to join. Even those offered by local high schools and community colleges will be enough.
Nevertheless, effective car safety education will always begin at home, so parents should also do their parts in educating their teenage kids about being responsible drivers. Setting a good example will also go a long way.
Special Discounts
You can also avail of a lot of special discounts for teenage drivers. For example, good students are sometimes given good student discounts. So if your teenage kid is on the honor roll or gets pretty good grades, you can ask your car insurance company for special discounts in case they offer such promos.
This is not a baseless discount, too. A student’s school record helps support a teenager’s credibility. Students who get better grades are found to be more responsible, which means they can exercise such level of responsibility to driving as well, hence the discounted car insurance rates.
Your Car Insurance Strategy
Before getting your teenage kid a car insurance policy, make sure to consider your overall car insurance strategy. Some decide to include the teenage car insurance into their existing insurance, while some get a separate policy so they can try and avail of special considerations and promotions for teenagers.
The Verdict
Teenagers can be exposed to greater risks of getting into car accidents. So when your teenage kid starts driving, don’t forget to avail of car insurance for teenagers for security purposes. Getting one, though, is not like getting a regular car insurance policy. Take note of the special considerations so you can avail of a good and affordable policy.
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